Here I am after a sugar high from gummy bears eaten in the car, an adrenelin rush, and the built up excitment from the last six months. Yes, I have just come back from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. My dad surprised us kids and took us to see the eight o'clock showing tonight. We had the theater to ourselves because Tuesday isn't your typical day for movie goers.
So, my review: Much better than the old BBC series. The scenery and effects were grand. Edmund and Lucy were great actors. The White Witch was cruel and hard (almost vicious, my dad said). The beavers were beaver sized. Aslan's mouth moved at the same speed as he talked (the opposite of the BBC series). I am definitely going to look for the DVD when it comes out. I think it fairly accurately portrayed C. S. Lewis's story and theme.
Now my complaints: The music did not always convey the mood right. There was a bit of a humanistic bent to the movie, not too bad, but the greatness of Aslan was downplayed. Also the children were not adventursome at all.
Okay, I'll save my severe movie critique for my poor sister to listen to. I already tore apart the Lord of the Rings for her (I'm very hard on movies based on my favorite books). But it was a good movie.
Note of Interest: Narnia Web has a hint that Prince Caspian is aimed to be finished by December 2007. How can I get a part as an extra?!?
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