Wednesday, December 07, 2005

C. S. Lewis

I suppose most people know of the new movie "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" which is coming to theaters in the United States this Friday. My family are all avid fans C. S. Lewis's writings. We have followed the production of this film quite eagerly through NarniaWeb. So naturally I thought of writing about C. S. Lewis this week. Of course, this is made easier since lots of other magazines, blogs, and other places like that had the same idea. I have a "Christian History" magazine chock full of articles about Lewis. Well, I decided there was too much I could write about, so this is merely a tribute to C. S. Lewis.
He was a great Christian man who did his best to serve God in all the gifts he had (which were many) and he did it joyfully and humbly. His works have challenged me and encouraged me to think and to reason and to love our Savior all the more. I think they have done that for many people. And I hope God will use them to challenge many more.
Two pieces from his books that influenced me most were:
1. the law of undulation (from The Screwtape Letters) - I am reminded when I go through seasons of dryness that these will pass and they are just the troughs of my walk with the Lord. It encourages me to press into the Scripture and to keep going.
and 2. the stabs of deep joy felt here on earth are just a glimpse of the joy we shall have in heaven (from Surprised by Joy).
Praise God, He chose to use C. S. Lewis for His glory. I hope He will use me as well, whether I become as famous or not.

1 comment:

Emily said...

C.S Lewis is my I think it was really awesome how he could intermingle(I think that's a word) faith and reason so perfectly. He made Christianity make sense from every angle you could look at it.