Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Reading List 2008 Part 4

And this is the last and smallest segment of my reading list:

Phyllis by Dorothy Whitehill
That Sweet Little Old Lady by Randall Garrett
The Unnecessary Man by Randall Garrett
The Impossibles by Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer
Supermind by Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer
Viewpoint by Randall Garrett
…After a Few Words… by Randall Garrett
Anything You Can Do… by Randall Garrett
What The Left Hand Was Doing by Randall Garrett
But, I Don’t Think by Randall Garrett
I’ve Married Marjorie by Margaret Widdemer
The Princess of the School by Angela Brazil


Unknown said...

Counting your textbooks, that's over 150+ books. Wow!

Homemanager said...

I agree with Melanie, that is a "Wow!" I'm always amazed at how many books you all read. Pray that I can at least read one good Christian book and a fun one each month...I'd be quite happy! :-)

Noelle said...

"But I Don't Think" "A Lady of Quality" will get "A Master's Degree" if she reads "The Enchanted Types" of books. "Walhalla" and "Ma'ame Pelagie" are not worth "The Cost" of not being able to rise with the "Alarm Clock" in the light of "The Changing Sun."
~A brief note from "The Hills of Home."

Homemanager said...

Very good "Viewpoint" Elle :-)